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Started by vanillasky, March 18, 2005, 02:45:58 am

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 Mar 17, 2005 - NASA's Cassini spacecraft has made a surprising discovery about Saturn's moon Enceladus: it has an atmosphere of water vapour. Cassini detected the atmosphere during both of its recent close flybys. Scientists are sure what's causing this cloud of water vapour, but it could be caused by volcanoes, geysers, or gasses escaping from the moon's interior. Enceladus' gravity is very small, so it wouldn't be able to hold onto an atmosphere for very long. This means there must be some continuous source replenishing it.


 Šta to znači vapour?
Što ovo sve znači na srpskom.


  vapour - para (ne novci lol ) , magla , isparenja.


 znaci treci satelit u suncevom sistemu pored titana i tritona koji ima kakvu-takvu atmosferu...go cassini:)


QUOTE (Dule_smor @ 18. Mar. 2005., 14:54)
znaci treci satelit u suncevom sistemu pored titana i tritona koji ima kakvu-takvu atmosferu...go cassini:) [/quote]
Atmosferu imaju jos i veliki Jupiterovi sateliti:
- Ganimed (O2)
- Evropa (O2)
- Kalisto (?)
- Io (SO2)

Ovi elementi su u tragovima, ali ipak postoje.


 Pa dobro i merkur ima atmosferu od cestica suncevog vetra:)...koliko ja znam titan i triton se zvanicno racunaju u satelite sa atmosferom


 merkur ima egzosferu od kalcijuma
"The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality." - Douglas Porter