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Komet 8P/Tuttle

Started by karolp, December 29, 2007, 01:35:47 am

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Veliki pozdrav from a Polish amateur astronomer! My name is Karol and I am from Lublin, Poland. I have been active in amateur astronomy since 1988. If you do not mind, I would like to participate in the forum. I can read and mostly understand Serbian. I might learn it myself after some time. I may also help you with any Polish materials you get as I am a native speaker of Polish  :)

And now on to the comet - yesterday while playing with Cartes du Ciel software I noticed that 8P/Tuttle will actually go in front of the M33 galaxy on the night of December 30/31. This is a rare opportunity to take visually stunning photographs. Are you planning on recording this event by any means?

Finally, a small sample of Polish - maybe you would prefer me to use a language closer to Serbian :-) So here it goes:

Zajmuje sie astronomia od 1988 roku. Ostatnio lubie sie bawic najnowszymi programami astronomicznymi ale podobaja mi sie tez stare ksiazki o astronomii i obrazy artystow przedstawiajace krajobrazy na innych planetach. Chcialbym sie nauczyc Waszego jezyka, interesuje mnie tez kultura Waszego kraju - zwlaszcza muzyka.

Karol Pankowski



Dobre nam prisiel. Jesto tu aj slovakov. To bi si mohol laksie rozumiet. Vitaj u nas na forume.

You are welcome.

Dobro nam dosao.
Astronomsko opservatorija Night Hawk


A detailed view  :)

Later on, the comet will also pass M74 in close proximity - although the magnitude difference will be much greater and a longer exposure may be needed: