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Started by vanillasky, February 17, 2005, 09:23:00 pm

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 WASHINGTON - A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here that they have found strong evidence that life may exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water.



 Vrlo lako moguće da je tačno, ONI se teško odlučuju na ovakva obaveštenja ako nisu skoro sigurni da su u pravu inače ne bi imali autoriteta da objave nešto VELIKO kada i ako se tako nešto dogodi.


 Hm, jel se secas kamena poznatog kao ALH84001
Zivot sa marsa? NE, ali to su rekli tek kasnije, a vst su poslali cim su videli nesto sumljivo. To je fazon SETI-a. Cim nesto nadju sto im se ne cini uobiajnim odmah alarmiraju. I do sada su uvek rekli da te "anomalije" im nisu zanimljive
"The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality." - Douglas Porter


 Prica je ipak novinarska izmisljotina

Evo sta kaze jedna od spomenutih astronoma u prici, Carol Stoker

A story has appeared in Space.com which quotes us
inaccurately and without permission. The story is based on hearsay
and is factually incorrect.

Here are the facts:

1. On Sunday night we were attending a private party
of space exploration enthusiasts in which there was a
discussion about the possible meaning of the results
from recent Mars missions. We engaged in the
discussion and expressed thoughts and opinions as
individual scientists on our own time and did not
represent ourselves as speaking for NASA.

2. No one at the party identified themselves as a
reporter, and in fact no reporters were present. This
article is based on hearsay about what somebody at the
party thought they heard us say. We think this
represents extremely poor journalistic standards.

3. No Nature paper has been submitted with Rio Tinto
results. This claim is simply wrong and we did not
make this claim. The MARTE project has several papers
in preparation that describe the work we are doing at
Rio Tinto and the first results of that work, but
nothing has been submitted yet. Preliminary results
have been published in abstract form at various
scientific meetings. If you want to see what the MARTE
team has actually said about results from Rio Tinto
drilling and its relevance to life on Mars, go to
www.marteproject.com and click on publications. All
our REAL publications are posted there.

4. The work at Rio Tinto is relevant to finding life
in a subsurface terrestrial environment and can't be
used to infer anything about life on Mars, directly.
The Rio Tinto work by its very nature can't tell us if
there is life on Mars, but certainly helps formulate
the strategy for how to search for life on Mars. One
approach to searching for extant life on Mars is by
drilling. Partly for this reason, the MARTE project
was selected for funding by NASA's ASTEP program, out
of the Science Mission Directorate and is a joint
project between NASA and Spain's Center for
"The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality." - Douglas Porter


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