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Fw: [digital_astro] DSLR drift method

Started by Bobo, August 29, 2005, 04:59:02 pm

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To: digital_astro@yahoogroups.com
From: "astrnmr" <astrnmr@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: [digital_astro] DSLR drift method  

For those wanting an easier way to drift align your telescope, please
check out my CCD Drift method of alignment.  Actually should have
called it DSLR drift alignment since I used a 300D to do the job.  
Anyway, I've made easy some instructions and pictures on how one can
achieve a rather quick and very accurate alignment of your telescope no
matter whether you use a GEM or Fork mounted system.  Another benefit
is that you don't have to have Polaris visible to your location.  So
check it out, download it or print the page and use it.  It definitely
helps out.  Great for those star parties where you want to photograph
but dred spending most of the night aligning and drift aligning your
scope via a reticle eyepiece and a long wait.

Go to http://www.astrnmr.netfirms.com/telescope/ccddrift.htm and let me
know what you think.

Clear Skies


 Jesi li ti probao ovo sa obzirom da imas GEM montazu?
Izgleda zanimljivo, ali sam primetio da je test na sajtu uradjen na viljuskastoj montazi, (verovatno Meade LX 200 od 8" na montazi sa "wedge"), dok na samom kraju teksta pise da se za GEM montazu mora koristiti "drugacija korekcija" od prikazane, a bez i da pise koliko drugacija korekcija treba biti.........