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Praćenje aktivnosti sunca

Started by betelgez, August 10, 2011, 04:58:50 am

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July 03, 2012, 08:27:17 am #165 Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 08:33:20 am by Kizza
Rekordno zračenje sa Sunca: ALMOST X-FLARE: Big sunspot AR1515 erupted on July 2nd at 10:52 UT, producing an M5.6-class solar flare that almost crossed the threshold into X-territory. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:
A pulse of x-rays and UV radiation from the flare illuminated Earth's upper atmosphere, producing waves of ionization over Europe. Such waves alter the propagation of low-frequency radio transmissions. In Lofoten, Norway, Rob Stammes recorded the ionospheric disturbance using a 60 kHz receiver: data.
The eruption also hurled a CME into space, but not directly toward Earth. The south-traveling cloud could deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetosphere on July 4th or 5th. Stay tuned for updates. [SDO movie]
Više na: http://www.spaceweather.com/
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Stiže nova pega.Čini se da je velika ???NEW SUNSPOT: A new sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb, and it appears to be a big one. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a first glimpse of the spot's dark cores during the early hours of July 6th:
Solar activity is already high. The addition of this new active region could boost the chance of flares even more. For a better view, check back later today as the sunspot turns more squarely toward Earth
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Baš se oseća:  http://news.discovery.com/space/x-rated-sun-erupts-with-a-powerful-solar-flare-120706.html
Slobodno vremeVesti.111....Nova erupcija na Suncu, solarna oluja sutra pogađa Zemlju
M. Milikšić | 07. 07. 2012. - 18:17h | Foto: AFP | Komentara: 8

U aktivnom sunčevom regionu 1515 došlo je danas do nove jake erupcije, poslednje u nizu u proteklih nekoliko dana. Očekuje se da će solarna oluja nakon te erupcije doći do Zemlje, jer je sunčeva pega 1515 trenutno okrenuta ka našoj planeti.

Sunčeva aktivnost je na visokom nivou, pa naučnici posmatraju aktivni region 1515. Oni smatraju da su šanse da će taj region u sledećih 24 sata emitovati nove oluje čak 80 odsto.

Iz Centra za predviđanje svemirskog vremena pri NOAA kažu da će 8. jula biti geomagnetne aktivnosti, jer će visoko nabijene čestice nakon dve nedavne erupcije na Suncu, doći do Zemlje. Ove oluje takođe bi mogle da dovedu do ometanja radio talasa i, naravno, da uzrokuju polarnu svetlost.

Američka svemirska agencija NASA javila je da je solarna oluja klase M pogodila Zemlju, uzrokujući kraći prekid radio talas rano ujutro 5. jula.

Astronomi stalno posmatraju aktivni region 1515, kompleks sunčevih pega na površini zvezde okrenut ka Zemlji. Sunčeve pege uzrokuju područja magnetne aktivnosti na površini Sunca koja su sposobna da dovedu do erupcije energije i čestica koji potencijalno mogu da pogode našu planetu.


Astronomi, koji od 3. jula posmatraju region 1515, kažu da je emitovano 12 solarnih oluja srednje jake klase M - najjača je oluja klase X, iza koje se nalazi klasa M.

NASA je objavila da je oluja klase M u četvrtak bila upola jačine najslabije oluje klase X. Ta slaba oluja je, međutim, iako na kratko, dovela do prekida radio talasa.


Američka Nacionalna kancelarija za okeane i atmosferu (NOAA), u Koloradu, klasifikuje ometanja radio talasa na skali od jedan do pet, odnosno od R1 do R5, pa su tako prekidi usled oluje 5. jula dobili slabu oznaku R2.
Citat iz "Blica":
Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Nešto mi tu ne štima, vijest je neistinita, a i Discovery ju je povukao.

Grupa pjega pod oznakom AR 1515 je na samom zalasku za zapadni Sunčev rub i ne može svojim aktivnostima uzrokovati više ništa što bi moglo pogoditi Zemlju. No, to se dogodilo ranije, Bila je vijest i na AM, a ja sam se bacio na snimanje te grupe pjega. Od događaja na Zemlji nije bilo baš ništa jer je oblak visokoenergijskih nabijenih čestica sa Sunca u potpunosti promašio Zemlju. Danas (jučer) je ona ona izgledala ovako:

Canon EOS 450D
Sky-Watcher Maksutov 150/1800 mm
Primarni fokus
Exposure time 1/125 s
ISO 100
Date/time original 07.07.2012. 12:30:17 UT
Aperture value f/12
SW MAK 127/1500 | NEQ6 Pro GoTo | Celestron 11" SCT


Quote from: danijel on July 08, 2012, 09:24:54 am
Nešto mi tu ne štima, vijest je neistinita, a i Discovery ju je povukao.

Grupa pjega pod oznakom AR 1515 je na samom zalasku za zapadni Sunčev rub i ne može svojim aktivnostima uzrokovati više ništa što bi moglo pogoditi Zemlju. No, to se dogodilo ranije, Bila je vijest i na AM, a ja sam se bacio na snimanje te grupe pjega. Od događaja na Zemlji nije bilo baš ništa jer je oblak visokoenergijskih nabijenih čestica sa Sunca u potpunosti promašio Zemlju. Danas (jučer) je ona ona izgledala ovako:

Canon EOS 450D
Sky-Watcher Maksutov 150/1800 mm
Primarni fokus
Exposure time 1/125 s
ISO 100
Date/time original 07.07.2012. 12:30:17 UT
Aperture value f/12

Jako lepo Danijele!  :)
| SW newtn 200/1000 | SW NEQ6 Synscan goto | Logitech Quickam Pro 3000 | Canon EOS 550d | Baader astrosolar filter |  SW Black Diamond ED 80/600 | Flattener korektor SW 0.85 | Lacerta MGEN autoguider | Nikon action ex 10x50 cf binocular |


Kolega iz Francuske je napravio odličan snimak grupaciju pega pod oznakom AR 1520 sa sajta "SpaceWeather.com":

One of the biggest sunspots in years, AR1520, is turning toward Earth. Christian Viladrich of Nattages, France, photographed the behemoth on July 7th.
"It looks like an expanse of land on the sun," says Viladrich.
Despite the resemblance to land, however, the vast dark cores of sunspot AR1520 are not solid. They are made of magnetism. Each one is a magnetic island nearly as wide as Earth floating in a sea of solar plasma.
The magnetic field of this enormous sunspot is tangled, and harbors energy for strong solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate an 80% chance of M-flares and a 25% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.

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Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Pojačano X zračenje sa Sunca:
X-FLARE! Big sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X1.4-class solar flare on July 12th at 1653 UT. Because the sunspot was directly facing Earth at the time of the blast, this is a geoeffective event. Stay tuned for updates about possible CMEs and radio blackouts. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation from the blast site.
The UV and X-ray pulse from the flare will have partially ionized Earth's upper atmosphere on the dayside of our planet, disturbing the normal propagation of radio signals. Watch the Realtime Space Weather Gallery for possible reports of sudden ionospheric disturbances and other effects.
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Sky Watcher 150/750 sa Craiford fokuserom
EQ 3 montaža
Dual ax motor
2,5x Apohromat Barlow
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Canon 1000D


Evo i teksta sa "SpaceWeather" a:
X-FLARE! Big sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X1.4-class solar flare on July 12th. Because the sunspot is directly facing Earth, everything about the blast was geoeffective. For one thing, it hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) directly toward our planet. According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CME will hit Earth on July 14th around 10:20 UT (+/- 7 hours) and could spark strong geomagnetic storms. Sky watchers should be alert for auroras this weekend. Geomagnetic storm alerts: text, voice.
The explosion also strobed Earth with a pulse of extreme UV radiation, shown here in a movie recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
The UV pulse partially ionized Earth's upper atmosphere, disturbing the normal propagation of radio signals around the planet. Monitoring stations in Norway, Ireland and Italy recorded the sudden ionospheric disturbance.

Finally, solar protons accelerated by the blast are swarming around Earth. The radiation storm, in progress, ranks "S1" on NOAA space weather scales, which means it poses no serious threat to satellites or astronauts. This could change if the storm continues to intensify. Stay tuned.

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Magnetni most na Suncu: MAGNETIC BRIDGE: Sunspots AR1528 and AR1529 appear to be far apart. More than 200,000 km of stellar surface separate the two. Nevertheless, they are connected by a tubular bridge of magnetism. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) photographed the vast structure on July 24th.
This extreme ultraviolet image traces the bridge via the glow of hot plasma it contains. Material can flow back and forth inside the tube, allowing one sunspot to respond to what the other is doing.

Researchers once thought that sunspots were independent operators, but SDO has shown over and over again that widely-spaced sunspots can be linked. An eruption in one can set off an explosion in another, leading to a chain reaction that can spread around the circumference of the sun. The global eruption of August 2010 is a memorable example.
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Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Odličan snimak,kolege astronomskog amatera, "reka" plazme: http://www.spaceweather.com/
Dole je poređenje,rastojanje od Zemlje pa do Meseca  :o
Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?