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Spirit and Opportunity

Started by sashastar, November 24, 2005, 09:29:28 pm

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Jeste na tom mestu je malo tamnija povrsina.
Ko zna kakav je tu sastav tla.

Sto god vise gledam sliku stalno mislim da cu nesto videti konkretno
(mogao bi nam jedan Marsovac mahnuti)  :wink:


Ako nekog zanimaju Mrasove panorame 360 stepeni i sl ovo je za vas



Mnogo dobar link! :shock:


Ostade Spirit bez jednog točka :(.

QuoteOne of Spirit's six wheels has stopped working. Dragging that wheel, the solar-powered rover must reach a slope where it can catch enough sunshine to continue operating during the Martian winter. The period of minimum sunshine is more than 100 days away, but Spirit gets only enough power for about one hour per day of driving on flat ground. And the supply is dropping fast.

Izvor i više informacija:


Tja šteta. Kanda im se bliži kraj.  :verysad:  Kada bi mogao neko da im promeni baterije bilo bi super.  :grin:


Imam utisak da se NASA priprema za teraformiranje Marsa  :(


Ima stvarno fantastichnih slika!!!!


Da , ima prelepih fotografija.




Spirit na sigurnom!

"NASA's Spirit rover has reached safety after weeks of scrambling with low power supplies to reach a place from which to weather the approaching Martian winter. The northern-tilting slope of the spot, dubbed Low Ridge Haven, will help maximise the sunlight reaching the rover's solar panels, ensuring its power stays above the minimum needed.

"We've got a safe rover," say principal investigator Steve Squyres. Spirit is now parked with about 11.5° of northerly tilt, towards the Sun. Squyres told New Scientist: "We're much, much safer than we've been in quite a while. That's huge news for us."

The original plan had been to direct Spirit to the slopes of McCool Hill. But along the way, the rover ran into what the team describes as "an impassable, sandy area" between two outcrops called Oberth and Korolev.

On Thursday 6 April, the rover's controllers instructed Spirit to divert and head toward Low Ridge Haven, less than 20 metres away. At that time, the rover was between 60 and 80 metres from McCool Hill."

Više informacija i izvor vesti:
New Scientist SPACE (via)


The rock in the center foreground of this picture is suspected of being an iron meteorite. The panoramic camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit took this image during the rover's 809th Martian day (April 12, 2006). The foreground rock, informally named "Allan Hills," and a similar rock called "Zhong Shan," just out of the field of view to the left, have a smoother texture and lighter tone than other rocks in the area.

The texture and glossiness of this pair reminded some members of the rover science team of a rock called "Heat Shield Rock," which was observed by Opportunity, Spirit's twin, in the Meridiani region of Mars more than a year ago. Examination of that rock's composition confirmed it to be an iron meteorite (see PIA07269 .)

Observations of Allan Hills and Zhong Shan with Spirit's miniature thermal emission spectrometer indicate that they are very reflective, like Heat Shield Rock. They are the first likely meteorites found by Spirit.

Rocks in the vicinity of Spirit's winter station are being assigned informal names honoring Antarctic research stations. Zhong Shan is an Antarctic base established by China in 1989. Allan Hills is a site where meteorites are frequently collected because they are relatively easy to see as dark rocks on the bright Antarctic ice. The most famous Allan Hills meteorite from Antarctica actually came from Mars and landed on Earth. If the Zhong Chang and Allan Hills rocks seen by Spirit do turn out to be iron-rich meteorites, they may have originated from an asteroid and landed on Mars.

This view is an approximately true-color rendering that combines images taken through the panoramic camera's 753-nanometer, 535-nanometer, and 432-nanometer filters. It is a portion of an image previously released (see PIA08095 ).

Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell


This imagery from the panoramic camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the outcrop-rimmed "Beagle Crater" appearing on the horizon as Opportunity approaches it. The top version is vertically stretched to make horizon details easier to see. The lower version has normal proportions. The image is a mosaic of frames taken during Opportunity's 855th Martian day, or sol (June 20, 2006).

Beagle Crater is 35 meters (115 feet) in diameter. The Opportunity science and engineering teams hope to have the rover visit it on the way to "Victoria Crater." Beagle Crater was 310 meters (1,107 feet) away from Opportunity when this picture was taken. Even at this distance, blocks of ejecta can be seen around the prominent, raised rim of Beagle crater, suggesting that it may be among the youngest craters visited by Opportunity.

When scientists using orbital data calculated that they should be able to detect Victoria's rim in rover images, they scrutinized frames taken in the direction of the crater by the panoramic camera. To positively characterize the subtle horizon profile of the crater and some of the features leading up to it, researchers created this vertically-stretched image (top). The stretched image makes mild nearby dunes look like more threatening peaks, but that is only a result of the exaggerated vertical dimension. This vertical stretch technique was first applied to Viking Lander 2 panoramas by Philip Stooke, of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, to help locate the lander with respect to orbiter images. Vertically stretching the image allows features to be more readily identified by the Mars Exploration Rover science team. The bright white dot on the horizon near the upper left corner of the panorama, labeled "Outcrop Promontory," was thought to be a light-toned outcrop on the far wall of Victoria, based on a single azimuth measurement on sol 804 (April 28, 2006), suggesting that the rover was seeing over the low rim of Victoria. But comparing the azimuth angle of this feature in the sol 855 panorama and the angle of the same feature in the sol 804 panoramic image, PIA08447 (a process known as triangulation) revealed that this outcrop must instead be on the near rim of the crater.

The southeast rim of Victoria is labeled in bright green. The northeast rim is beyond the left edge of this panorama. The salmon-color lines and arrows highlight two small craters on the dark "annulus," or ring, around Victoria Crater.


Mozda cu malo "odlutati" od teme topic-a, al samo da napomenem da je trenutno veliki hit u Americi Disney-jev dokumentarni film "Roving Mars", a glavne uloge su naravno Spirit i Oportunity  :wink:  Nazalost pravljen je za IMAX bioskope.  :(  Uf sto bi to bilo dobro gledati, zar ne?!!!

Evo i linka za aktuelni trejler:
"Covek zivi u konacnom svetu, ali njegova masta ne."

Milos Maric

Pisem maturski o ova dva rovera i treba mi pomoc. Na netu sam nasao sve informacije koje su mi potrebne, pa cak i vise nego sto moze stati na tih 15-20 strana koliki treba da je maturski, ali imam problema sa promnelazenjem "stampane" literature. Na amazon.co.uk sam nasao neke dosta dobre knjige, ali nemam kreditnu karticu da ih narucim, pa me interesuje da li mozda postoji neka domaca knjiga koja se bavi ovom tematikom ili mozda neko od vas ima neku na engleskom koju bi mi ustupio na nekoliko (vracam je celu :) )?


Ne verujem da ces na ovim prostorima naci knjigu o roverima.

Posalji svoj rad da ga objavimo u Astronomskom magazinu.

P.S. A sta ce ti stampana literatura?