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new horizons 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3.. H O L D ! !

Started by marino, January 17, 2006, 09:44:37 pm

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ovo je samo za ljude sa jakim zivcima;)  
mogu si samo zamisliti kako je ekipi na lansirnom poligonu;

2024 GMT (3:24 p.m. EST)

The constraint that violated a red line limit was indeed the ground winds. There was a gust that broke the 33-knot limit as the countdown was proceeding to a last-ditch attempt for launch at the very close of today's available window.

2023 GMT (3:23 p.m. EST)

Tomorrow's launch window extends from 1:16 to 3:15 p.m. EST.

2022 GMT (3:22 p.m. EST)

The rocket is being safed following the unplanned hold.

2020 GMT (3:20 p.m. EST)

SCRUB. The countdown has been halted at T-minus 2 minutes, 34 seconds due to a red limit monitor fault. This scrubs today's launch attempt of the New Horizons spacecraft since the window is closing at 3:23 p.m. There isn't enough time to recycle the clock, fix the issue and try again.

2020 GMT (3:20 p.m. EST)


2019 GMT (3:19 p.m. EST)

T-minus 3 minutes, 5 seconds. New Horizons has been declared "go" for launch

2019 GMT (3:19 p.m. EST)

T-minus 3 minutes, 45 seconds. Ground pyrotechnics have been enabled.

2019 GMT (3:19 p.m. EST)

T-minus 4 minutes and counting. The final phase of today's countdown has begun for the launch of Lockheed Martin Atlas 5 and the New Horizons spacecraft bound for Pluto!

2018 GMT (3:18 p.m. EST)

Now five minutes form launch.

2017 GMT (3:17 p.m. EST)

Count will resume in two minutes. An abort will be called if winds go out of limits. Launch is set for 3:23 p.m. EST.

2016 GMT (3:16 p.m. EST)

Veteran launch conductor Ed Christiansen, seated in the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center four miles from the pad, has polled the various console operators to ensure all systems are ready to proceed with the countdown. The 'go' status was passed to launch director Jerry Jamison located above and behind the launch team in the management room.

2014 GMT (3:14 p.m. EST)

A new plan developed is to resume the countdown and call a hold if the winds exceed the 33-knot limit, which has happened several times today.

2009 GMT (3:09 p.m. EST)

The new timeline calls for the launch team readiness poll at 3:16 p.m., resumption of the countdown at 3:19 p.m. and liftoff at 3:23 p.m. EST (2023 GMT).

2007 GMT (3:07 p.m. EST)

The ground winds at the Complex 41 launch pad are right around the 33-knot limit. Managers have a rule that winds cannot hit that limit within eight minutes of the launch time and still proceed with liftoff at that targeted tme.

1959 GMT (2:59 p.m. EST)

Just as the upper level winds and a flight profile were determined acceptable for launch, NASA said more time was needed to watch the ground level winds that have been gusting at the 33-knot limit for liftoff of the Atlas 5 rocket.

1957 GMT (2:57 p.m. EST)

NEW LAUNCH TIME! The launch time is being retargeted for the very end of today's window at 3:23 p.m. EST due to the ground level winds.

1956 GMT (2:56 p.m. EST)

Upper level winds have been declared 'go' for launch!

1955 GMT (2:55 p.m. EST)

The new timeline calls for the launch team readiness poll at 2:58 p.m., resumption of the countdown at 3:01 p.m. and liftoff at 3:05 p.m. EST (2005 GMT).

1951 GMT (2:51 p.m. EST)

Lockheed Martin says the upper levels are the only problem. Countdown remains holding at T-minus 4 minutes in hopes of liftoff at 3:05 p.m. EST.

1942 GMT (2:42 p.m. EST)

NEW LAUNCH TIME! Launch has been postponed to 3:05 p.m. EST.

1939 GMT (2:39 p.m. EST)

The Cape launch team has received the latest flight profile for loading into the rocket. Officials are awaiting confirmation that the profile can withstand the current upper level winds.

1930 GMT (2:30 p.m. EST)

A poll of the New Horizons spacecraft and ground network team was just conducted. The were no problems reported, NASA says.

1927 GMT (2:27 p.m. EST)

The latest flight profile failed against the current upper level wind conditions, Lockheed Martin says. The team is re-working the profile based on the next weather balloon data set.

Meanwhile, the Antigua tracking station problem has been repaired, the Air Force reports. There are no Range constraints at this time.

And a NASA spokesman says the Deep Space Network is ready to support now.

1924 GMT (2:24 p.m. EST)

NEW LAUNCH TIME. Clocks are being reset for liftoff at 2:50 p.m. EST. Today's available launch window extends to 3:23 p.m. EST.

1923 GMT (2:23 p.m. EST)

NASA says its Deep Space Network could not support the target launch time.

1922 GMT (2:22 p.m. EST)

FURTHER DELAY. Liftoff will not occur at 2:30 p.m. EST, the launch team has just been told. A new liftoff time has not been set.

1920 GMT (2:20 p.m. EST)

Ten minutes from the current target launch time. However, Antigua has not been reported back in operation yet.

1915 GMT (2:15 p.m. EST)

The Antigua problem involves a command transmitter at the downrange tracking site.

1914 GMT (2:14 p.m. EST)

The launch team is preparing to upload the new flight profile to the rocket's guidance computer based on the latest weather balloon information.

1907 GMT (2:07 p.m. EST)

The Atlas team is getting data from the latest weather balloon. The wind information is sent to Lockheed Martin's facilities in Denver for analysis and creation of a new flight profile.

1905 GMT (2:05 p.m. EST)

A problem is now being reported with the Antigua downrange tracking station. That site must be operating for range safety and tracking for the Atlas 5 rocket to be cleared for launch. The Range expects the station to be ready again around 2:20 p.m.

1900 GMT (2:00 p.m. EST)

The upper level winds remain "no go" at this time. The latest flight profile did not find acceptable conditions. Also of concern, the pad winds remain right at the constraint red line limit.

There are no other technical problems being addressed. Countdown clocks continue to hold at T-minus 4 minutes, targeting a possible liftoff time of 2:30 p.m. EST.

1855 GMT (1:55 p.m. EST)

NEW LAUNCH TIME. Liftoff has been pushed back to 2:30 p.m. EST.

1852 GMT (1:52 p.m. EST)

A Lockheed Martin spokesman says the upper level wind issue is actually at an altitude of 800 feet. Attempts to develop a flight profile to withstand the current wind conditions failed the past two tries, he said.

1842 GMT (1:42 p.m. EST)

While the upper level wind situation is dealt with, launch managers are still keeping a close eye on the gusty ground winds at the pad. Winds have been flirting with the 33-knot limit for the past couple of hours, and sometimes going above the constraint.

1842 GMT (1:42 p.m. EST)

A new flight profile load is being created from the upper level wind speed and direction information gathered by weather balloons sent up from the Cape through the countdown.

1838 GMT (1:38 p.m. EST)

NEW LAUNCH TIME! Liftoff has been postponed again. The new target is 2:10 p.m. EST. The further delay allows the team to assess the high-altitude winds and generate a flight profile based on those conditions.

1835 GMT (1:35 p.m. EST)

NASA launch manager Omar Baez has polled the agency oversight team. There are no problems being reported with the Atlas 5, New Horizons spacecraft or Range.

1834 GMT (1:34 p.m. EST)

The engineering team and the NASA advisory board have been polled for launch readiness. Everyone is "go" for launch pending acceptable winds. The fill and drain valve concern has been resolved. Weather is the only worry at this time.

1830 GMT (1:30 p.m. EST)

Now 15 minutes from the new launch time.

1824 GMT (1:24 p.m. EST)

A new flight profile based on the upper level winds needs to be performed for the delayed launch time. Ground winds are still a concern, and the first stage liquid oxygen fill and drain valve problem has not been put to rest yet.

1818 GMT (1:18 p.m. EST)

The Eastern Range has confirmed the new launch time of 1:45 p.m.

1815 GMT (1:15 p.m. EST)

The new timeline calls for the launch team readiness poll at 1:38 p.m., resumption of the countdown at 1:41 p.m. and liftoff at 1:45 p.m. EST (1845 GMT).

1813 GMT (1:13 p.m. EST)

NEW LAUNCH TIME! Liftoff has been delayed to 1:45 p.m. EST due to gusty ground winds. Also, the valve issue needs to be wrapped up.

1812 GMT (1:12 p.m. EST)

Engineers have determined the first stage liquid oxygen fill and drain valve issue is not a constraint. The issue is understood.

1810 GMT (1:10 p.m. EST)

The third stage safe and arm device being switched to the enable position.

1810 GMT (1:10 p.m. EST)

T-minus 4 minutes and holding. The countdown has entered this final hold, which planned to last 10 minutes. Launch is still targeted for 1:24 p.m. EST, pending resolution of the valve issue and acceptable weather.

1809 GMT (1:09 p.m. EST)

All three cryogenic fuel tanks aboard the rocket are now reported at flight level.

1808 GMT (1:08 p.m. EST)

The RD-180 main engine fuel-fill sequence is now complete.

1808 GMT (1:08 p.m. EST)

T-minus 6 minutes. Standing by to go into the built-in hold.

1805 GMT (1:05 p.m. EST)

A cycle test of the first stage liquid oxygen fill and drain valve test is going to be re-performed. An earlier test indicated a possible problem.

1804 GMT (1:04 p.m. EST)

Twenty minutes to go.

1803 GMT (1:03 p.m. EST)

The latest guidance and steering data have been loaded into the rocket's flight computer based on today's upper level wind conditions.
Vidulini Observatory



Da da mora da se bide pretpazliv. Ova e prva misija do Pluton, koj znae koga drug pat ke pratat nekoe letalo vo toj pravec. Taka da misijata mora da bide sigurna 100%.
Inaku kako sto razbrav denes, New Horizonts ke bide najbrzoto letalo dosega napraveno od covekot, ke leta so brzina od 15km vo sek. ako ne gresam.


Eto sad imamo dva topika za let prema Plutonu.
Mogla bi onda i NASA da posalje dva Horizonta.


Quote from: "sashastar"Eto sad imamo dva topika za let prema Plutonu....

a za to sam ja (nenamjerno) kriv, mozda da admin, spoji ova dva topica u onaj tvoj pocetni..

Vidulini Observatory


hehe, nije phpbb tako pametan. on zna samo da rastavlja topike, ne da ih spaja?

ima nas mentalitet!? :)

tako da cu ipak onda ovo da zatvorim

znaci, dalja diskusija na http://www.astronomija.co.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?t=674
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