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Oluja na Saturnu

Started by wexy, February 15, 2006, 10:12:42 pm

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This image released by NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute shows a rar and powerful storm on the night side of Saturn derived from an original Cassini image by reprojecting it as a cylindrical map and enhancing the contrast to bring out faint features. the storm as it appeared to the Cassini imaging system on January 27, 2006. Cassini began detecting the radio emissions, which are like those from lightning, on January 23. At about the same time, amateur astronomers reported that a storm had appeared in Saturn's southern hemisphere at minus 35 degrees latitude. (AP Photo/NASA)

Više informacija:
Yahoo! News: Scientists Studying Saturn Lightning Storm


Inace ove oluje su mnogo "jace" od onih na Jupiteru koliko mi je poznato, jer nema "mehanizma" koji bi je usporio... Nisam siguran kakav je to "mehanizam", ali sve sto idemo dalje (Uran pa Neptun) kod gasovitih dzinova su oluje jace, iako su planete manje. Mozda zagrevanje planeta, koje pospesuje veca kretanja u atmosferi i time sprecava pojavu jakih oluja (kao kod Jupitera npr.)
"Covek zivi u konacnom svetu, ali njegova masta ne."