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ashes to ashes dust to dust hehe maybe in your life time

Started by vanillasky, February 23, 2006, 01:01:50 am

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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Scotty will be blasted into space - not beamed up - and Gordo is returning for his third flight.

The planned launch sometime in March of a rocket carrying the ashes of actor James Doohan, who played chief engineer Montgomery Scott on "Star Trek,'' and Mercury program astronaut Gordon Cooper will give a fitting send-off to two men who helped popularize human space exploration.

The craft also will hold the ashes of 185 others, including a telephone technician, a nurse and a college student.

Their families paid $995 to $5,300 for the flight, being conducted by one of a handful of growing businesses hoping to give a space experience to the common folk.

"It broadens the market, which is important to us because our whole business plan is about getting more people access to space,'' said Harvin Moore of Space Services Inc. of Houston, which is sponsoring the ashes flight. "Space needs to be affordable for all in some way.''

Along with these services, space tourism businesses hope to send customers into suborbital space at a cost of $25,000 to $250,000 a person, far less than the $20 million businessman Gregory Olsen paid Russia last fall for a ride to the International Space Station. Richard Branson's company, Virgin Galactic, already has 100 people who have paid $200,000 apiece for flights, which the company has said it hopes to begin in 2008.


Preterivanje je jedna od mana kapitalizma... sto ne znaci da su u tom pogledu i drugi pravci bolji :)
"The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality." - Douglas Porter


Komercijalni turistički letovi

Vlasti SAD mogle bi do 2008. godine da odobre komercijalne turističke letove u kosmos,
saopštio je američki ministar za saobraćaj Norman Mineta.
"Taj datum uopšte nije u domenu naučne fantastike"
istakao je on u saopštenju izdatom nakon susreta sa industrijalcima iz kosmičkog sektora u Vašingtonu
dodavši da je ostvaren značajan napredak u projektima privatnih preduzetnika
koji rade na razvoju komercijalnih letova u kosmos.

"Daćemo zeleno svetlo onim letovima koje procenimo sigurnim", naveo je ministar Mineta.
Kompanija "Virdžin galaktik" saopštila je u decembru da se nada
da će lansirati svoj prvi turistički svemirski brod oko 2010. godine
iz baze čija izgradnja počinje ove godine u jugozapadnom delu SAD, prenela je agencija AFP.

Firma britanskog milijardera Ričarda Bransona i gouverner države Novi Meksiko Bil Ričardson
objavili su nedavno da su postigli sporazum o izgradnji te "kosmičke vazdušne luke".
Cilj Bransonove kompanije je realizacija 50.000 turističkih letova u prvih 10 godina rada.

Cena karte utvrđena je na 200.000 dolara
a "Virdžin galaktik" za rezervaciju mesta traži minimalni avans od 10 odsto
koji će u potpunosti biti vraćen ukoliko klijent odustane od leta.
Kompanija tvrdi da je već primila više od 40.000 rezervacija iz 120 zemalja.