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Naučnik stvorio veštački život

Started by zoran, May 21, 2010, 06:09:16 pm

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Quote from: Yagodinac on May 23, 2010, 05:07:27 pm
Inače ne sporim da je ovo velika stvar ali da je sintetisan veštački život... Nije baš tako. Da su stavili sopstveni redosled baza i da to se u praksi replicira bio bi veštački život. Ovako je plagijat mikoplazme iz koze  ;D

Ako uspeš da sintetišeš komletnu kopiju jednog već postojećeg genoma koliko si daleko od toga da sintetišeš novi u kojim ćeš ubacivati i gene koje sam programiraš? Naravno da kombinuješ resurse prirode, ali na fundamentalnom novou i stvaraš nešto čemu tvorac nije majka priroda.


Evo šta oni sami kažu:

Is your work in creating a synthetic bacterial cell "creating life from scratch"?

A: No we do not consider this to be "creating life from scratch" but rather we are creating new life out of already existing life using synthetic DNA to reprogram the cells to form new cells that are specified by the synthetic DNA


Jako interesantno je i ovo:
Q: What are the next steps for this research at JCVI?

A: The work to create the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell was an important proof of concept. The team at JCVI has learned a lot from the nearly 15 years it has taken to get to this successful stage. From this proof of concept experiment the team is now ready to build more complex organisms with useful properties.  For example, many, including scientists at SGI, are already using available sequencing information to engineer cells that can produce energy, pharmaceuticals, and industrial compounds, and sequester carbon dioxide.  The team at JCVI is already working on their ultimate objective, which has been to synthesize a minimal cell that has only the machinery necessary for independent life.  Now that a cell can be synthesized from a synthetic genome in a simple near-minimal bacterial cell, it becomes possible for the team to test for the functionality of a genome.  They can whittle away non-essential DNA regions from the synthetic genome and repeat transplantation experiments until no more genes can be disrupted and the genome is as small as possible.  This minimal bacteria cell will enable a greater understanding of the function of every gene in a cell and a new vision of cells as understandable machines comprised of biological parts of known function.


Kad sintetišeš kompletnu kopiju nekog genoma onda padaju čestitke jer si ga upravo klonirao, što jeste tehnički veliki izazov ali i nije neki primer kreativnosti. Mada, ovo ima veliki značaj jer se nadam da će dovesti do stvaranja novih organizama sa hibridnim osobinama: npr ukrštanje bika i paradajza da bi se dobila dlakava biljka koja se ljušti pred pripremu salatice  :)
Veći deo posla tek predstoji - treba izabrati između miliona svih mogućih gena tačno one koji su potrebni za kreiranje sasvim novih organizama. I ne mislim da će to biti novi organizmi već kompilacije osobina postojećih.


Brine me da kad EVOLUCIJA čuje za ovo da će se naljutiti  ;D
Ako Ljudski život teče nepovratno kao reka,šta nas čeka u Okeanu?


Posle velikog proboja timakRejga Vintera, sada još jedan korak dalje: sintetizovan funkcionalni eukariotski hromozom!
Više na: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/344/6179/55.abstract